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Monday, September 22, 2014

What To Wear To Vancouver Fashion Week 2014

I'm always in a perplexed state when off to a fashion show ... what to wear!

I am fully aware I'll be surrounded by some very beautiful  people.  I actually try not to put too much weight on my decisions as I see everything from grunge to completely bizarre to over the top exquisite.  I'm sure you get my drift, really, anything goes

Oh, this is AWKWARD, the minute you realize you can see right through your dress, call me edgy

What I'm wearing:

Zara Collection dress - Valu Village thrifted $12.00
Pierre Cardin blazer - Valu Village thrifted $9.00
Target open toe mini boot


Oh my lord, from the back its even worse.  Just a side note: I would like to thank all of my friends for letting me in on this little secret, NOT

 Lots of orbs followed me through this shoot, Many friends I'm sure

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